MSRP: $634.00 Sale Price: $312.50 You Save $321.50 (51%) | USD |
For this product to protect you fully, you also need to purchase PRI-OCIDE. PRI-D Is a Super Concentrated, Complete Fuel Treatment That Improves All Diesel Fuels and Kerosene, Enabling Them to Perform to Maximum Potential PRI-D works chemically within Diesel fuel to improve the combustion process. Improved combustion means improved engine performance. You will realize increased power from your engine. At the same time, you will enjoy greater fuel economy. PRI-D is also extremely effective at reducing harmful emissions, including smoke opacity, NOx and SOx. PRI-D is a highly effective preventative maintenance tool. PRI-D's proprietary, refinery-grade chemistry is unsurpassed at preventing carbon deposits and fuel system fouling. Your engine will remain cleaner and last longer. In addition, the tank slime and sludge that Diesel fuel users commonly encounter is eliminated! PRI-D is super concentrated, treating fuel at a 1:2,000 ratio. This means PRI-D is extremely cost effective to use. Get the most out of your Diesel fuel for only pennies a gallon! PRI-D's enhanced thermal stability chemistry works within the fuel instead of altering it, which means the product is completely safe to use. PRI-D contains no potentially damaging cetane improvement additives or harsh solvent chemistries. No fuel specifications are changed, therefore PRI-D meets all major engine manufacturer fuel specifications - warranties are not voided!